Tinker Tailor Spider Spy is a mission in Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales.
Miles wakes up at home and leaves. He then calls Phin to meet at Trinity Church and talk through their plan. Since Prowler had leaked their location to Roxxon, Rhino, now powered by Roxxon's armor, interrupted and captured them both, taking them to a Roxxon lab where they would wake up and then be interrogated by Krieger. Phin and Miles worked together to escape, and at this point they take down the security guards. Throughout the escape, Phin makes it clear to Miles that she is uninterested in his words after he had lied to her. Unfortunately during Miles and Phin's escape from Roxxon, Prowler is revealed to be angry about his nephew's capture. He argues with Krieger because the latter broke the former's deal on leaving Miles alone. Because of this, Prowler threaten Krieger that the former would go on public and expose what Miles showed to him about the Nuform's true nature and what the latter did to Rick Mason, but the Head of Roxxon's R&D deduce the hired thief that he would be jailed along with him because his involvement working with Roxxon, if doing so. After Phin got her equipment back, she and Miles worked on getting out of the facility. Miles powers the nearby generator and then pulls the crane above towards the engine. He then pulls the engine again towards the middle of the room, tethers the powered generator to the crane, then once again pulls the crane to the right of the room. After this, he creates another tether. Doing this powers the engine enough for them to break in the control room. Once there, they take out the guards then go towards the way-pointed door, but Rhino comes bursting in. During the fight, Miles rides the back of Rhino and runs him into tanks, followed up by melee attacks to destroy his Venom-proof armor. Rhino then begins throwing the tanks, but Miles tries to avoid them by charging the engine and throwing it back towards Rhino, also followed up with melee attacks. Doing this finally destroys his armor and Miles is able to defeat him by using venom attacks. After the fight, Miles is in the middle of a relook into Nuform reactor schematics that is located at Roxxon's East Harlem plaza and is horrified by its dangerous potential, which Phin plans to activate. A beaten Rhino taunts Phin about Rick's death, causing Phin to nearly kill him in rage. When Miles stops her, this infuriates her further as she turns on Miles, beating him and leaving him, telling him that her family was dead, and she had no intention of stopping her plan. Saddened and injured, Miles calls Ganke to carry him back to his apartment. His mother Rio, who arrives home after Miles and Ganke, found out Miles’ secret identity, and eventually learns Phin's too, as well the Nuform's true nature of which Phin would activate on Roxxon's East Harlem plaza reactor and unknowingly destroy entire Harlem territories. Rio quickly understands Miles' reasons to keep his secret identity hidden and accepts Miles as Spider-Man, because he reminds him of the late-Jeff, encouraging him to never give up as his late-father did, as well as the original Spider-Man. With Ganke, they manage to hack into Oscorp security camera across the globe, Rio assists Ganke on evacuating Harlem's citizens out of the said town before it becomes a battleground between Underground and Roxxon, while Miles departs to a currently planned to be constructed Oscorp Science Center to find and stop Phin from unknowingly destroying Harlem.
Call Phin to meet at Trinity Church, after Miles is attacked by Rhino you wake up at a Roxxon lab. At this point take down the security guards in the area after doing so head towards the way-pointed computer. Power the nearby generator and then pull the crane above towards the engine. Pull the engine again towards the middle of the room tether the powered generator to the crane, then once again pull the crane to the right of the room, after this create another tether.
Doing this powers the engine enough to break in the control room. Once there, take out the guards then go towards the way-pointed door. After Rhino comes bursting in ride the back of him and run him into the tanks, follow this up by melee attacks to destroy his Venom-proof armor. Rhino begins throwing the tacks avoid them, charge the engine, throw it towards Rhino and then follow up with melee attacks. Doing this finally destroys his armor and you're able to defeat him by using venom attacks