Marvel's Spider-Man Wiki

The Time Response Activated Circuit Kinetic Suit, or the T.R.A.C.K. Suit, for short, is a suit in Miles Morales and Marvel's Spider-Man 2.

The suit is an original suit designed by comic book artist Javier Garrón. In Miles Morales, it grants the Untrackable suit mod.



The T.R.A.C.K. Suit has not been seen in any other Spider-Man iteration. It is a white and black suit with red details such as the symbol and webs.

It is said to be an evolution of the Classic Suit, similar to Peter Parker's Advanced Suit being evolved from his Classic Suit.


  • Color 1: The default color scheme.
  • Color 2: Resembles Peter's Advanced Suit.
  • Color 3: Resembles Miles's Classic Suit.
  • Color 4: Resembles the Spider-Man 2099 Black Suit.


Miles Morales[]

The suit it is part of the "Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales Launch Edition Pre-order Pack" for the game that grants players instant access to two different suits, three skill points and a gadget.

The Untrackable suit mod it provides decreases damage from ranged attacks by 25%.
