Marvel's Spider-Man Wiki

Swarm was a villain briefly referenced off screen in Marvel's Spider-Man, and appears physically in both the comics Marvel's Spider-Man: City at War, and Marvel’s Spider-Man: Velocity.


City at War[]

Swarm, a villain which Spider-Man had fought before, battled Spider-Man on the streets of New York, launching torrents of bees at him while Spider-Man caught them in webs. He was eventually defeated by Spider-Man when he was tied up in webbing and electrocuted with Electric Webs. Swarm was then taken into police custody.

Marvel's Spider-Man[]

During one of his podcasts J. Jonah Jameson mentions a “Nazi made of bees” in New York.


Spider-Man was called to the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens to face Swarm again, webbing him up and getting a few hits on him, however, one of Swarm's bees stung Spider-Man which led to a quick escape for Swarm. This encounter led Spider-Man to come up with and design his Velocity Suit. Later, Swarm took up residence inside a honey factory, constructing a large honeycombed trap in the middle to keep the factory workers captive. Afterwards, Spider-Man in his new Velocity Suit running too fast to be perceived, rescued the factory workers and webbed up Swarm for the police.
