Marvel's Spider-Man Wiki

Supply Run is the forty-first main mission in Marvel's Spider-Man. Peter Parker visits Aunt May at F.E.A.S.T., while Miles Morales searches for more medical supplies. Morales' search leads him to Rhino, forcing him to escape.


With Scorpion's poison wearing off, Peter Parker decides it is a good time to visit Aunt May. Once there, she appears to be sick. Peter attempts to contact Miles Morales, who has been sent to retrieve more medical supplies from the relief center.

Miles, at the waterfront, steals antibiotics from convicts. After successfully finding the amoxicillin he was looking for, Rhino bursts on the scene, knocking out the Sable International soldiers and interrogating them about their supply routes. Scorpion arrives to assist with the questioning; when he stabs one of the men with his tail, Miles runs, knocking over a toolbox in his haste.

Once Miles escapes, he runs into some escaped convicts who are trying to mug a man. He intervenes, fighting one of them.


After taking the antidote to counteract Scorpion's poison, players are free to explore the city for a short amount of time before the mission is available. Players can use the map to fast travel to the shelter and begin. After visiting Aunt May, players take control of Miles, who is down near the waterfront.

As Miles, convicts are in the area, and players must sneak around them, making use of the hacking app to distract them. As players successfully locate the antibiotics, a cutscene commences, following which players must evade Rhino.

As with other stealth segments, the path to evade Rhino is mostly linear. Most paths require players to sneak very close to Rhino, so patience is key. The hacking app is also useful on a very occasions in distracting him.

The mission ends with a cutscene, following which "Heavy Hitter" is available.
