Quentin Beck, formerly known as Mysterio, is a character in the Marvel's Spider-Man series. An SFX artist who is also a former actor and criminal, Beck starts out as a spirit medium known as Black Rabbit during the the second issue of Velocity, until he becomes head of the VR development studio Mysterium in Marvel's Spider-Man 2.
He is first mentioned in a backpack collectible from the first game. He made his physical debut in the second issue of Marvel's Spider-Man: Velocity a spin-off comic series that occurred between the game and its DLC expansion pass The City That Never Sleeps. His first in-game appearance would be in Marvel's Spider-Man 2, where he was falsely believed to be the main antagonist of the Mysterium side-quest arc.
Early history[]
Quentin Beck was born in roughly 1980. He used to be a special effects artist. He then became Mysterio an antagonist of original Spider-Man, until he reformed sometime before the main events.
Marvel's Spider-Man: Velocity[]
Beck became a spirit medium and opened the Black Rabbit.
Marvel's Spider-Man 2[]
With the help of Betsy Schneider and Cole Wittman, Quentin starts his new venture to open a VR Development Studio Mysterium based at Coney Island for the future generations of virtual reality. His relationship with the pair is revealed to be uneasy, owing to the financial problems he faces that are revealed in his Dev Diaries.
The portal to enter the virtual reality is being built across three boroughs of the city, Manhattan, Queens and other Brooklyn territories. Miles Morales was the first one to try this new innovative type of entertainment but something went wrong and Beck closed the Mysterium.
Thanks to Miles' survival, Quentin discovers a virus has infiltrated his virtual reality from an unknown source that entraps people, and eventually calls the younger Spider-Man (whom Beck is unaware is Miles) to entrust rescuing the trapped civilians. Beck later learns that Betsy and Cole were the ones that inputted the virus into the Mysterium with a virus to hold rich people hostage so they could steal their money. The pair capture Beck, tying him up as a hostage, while also forcing him to wear his old Mysterio suit. Betsy contemplates the idea that he would be more useful alive by framing him for all of their crimes. However, Miles discovers their plan, catches them, and frees Beck.
Despite believing that the Mysterio remains a villain's moniker, just as how Spider-Man represents heroism, Beck resolves to build the future under his true identity: himself. He gives Miles a final Dev Diary to prove Betsy and Cole's crimes before teleporting himself elsewhere.
Quentin sports a beard and used to have long hair during "Velocity" until he cut his hair back to short. After developing Mysterium, he dons mostly in robes in purple and green.
He is smart and theatrical. He is driven to show to the world that he is no longer a villain and he wants to be accepted as a rehabilitated individual. He also worries about the people who are trapped in the Mysterium and wants to bring those responsible for these crimes to justice.
He can create convincing illusions. At some point, he developed a teleportation technology that was used for the Mysterium's virtual reality systems (such as the portal) and his former Mysterio suit.
Original appearance[]
Quentin Beck/Mysterio first appeared in The Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 1 #13 (June, 1964). He is also a founding member of the original Sinister Six.