Marvel's Spider-Man Wiki
Marvel's Spider-Man Wiki

The Tarantula is a villain that Peter encounters during the events of the comic crossover Spider-Geddon and Marvels Spider-Man 2 (Comic).


Peter was swinging around New York when he received a call from Mary Jane about a spider themed villain robbing a bank in the Financial District.

Spider-Man 2 (Comic)[]


Along with possessing enhanced physical strength, Anton wears a protective suit that has 4 robotic arms attached. The bottom two arms are similar to Otto Octavius’s arms with “clawed hands” capable of lifting heavy objects, and transporting him. The top two have weapons attached at the ends with the left being some sort of machine gun, and the right being a flamethrower. The suit is also completely grounded so the Electric Web was ineffective. He also has two large blades attached to both his real arms, which he claimed were dipped in toxins.
